3月24日开始,英国进入LOCK DOWN状态,外卖可以继续营业Takeaway can remains open during UK Lockdown

According to Manchester Evening News: Boris Johnson put Britain on lockdown on Monday evening as he outlined strict new measures to curb the spread of Covid-19, ordering people to only leave the house for a few specific reasons.

One of reasons Boris Johnson gave for why people may leave their homes was ‘shopping for basic necessities’.

The Prime Minister asked the public to go out to buy basic necessities such as food and medicine “as infrequently as possible” and to use delivery services where they could.

So, who CAN stay open to allow people to shop for basic necessities?

Restaurants and cafes must shut

The exceptions…

Food delivery and takeaway can remain operational.

The government guidance goes on to say: “This means people can continue to enter premises to access takeaway services, including delivery drivers.

“Planning regulation will be changed to enable restaurants, cafes and pubs which do not currently offer delivery and hot food takeaway to do so.

“This will be clearly communicated by the government when in effect.

“People must not consumer food or drinks on site at restaurants, cafes or pubs whilst waiting for takeaway food.

“Those venues offering takeaway or delivery services must not include alcoholic beverages in this list if their license does not already permit.”

Cafes or canteens at hospitals, care homes or schools; prison and military canteens; services providing food or drink to the homeless.

2020年3月24日晚, 英国首相BORIS JOHNSON宣布英国进入Lock down状态,来减少新冠病毒在英国的传播。

在新的命令下, 英国公民只有在买基本物资,也就是吃的和药的时候才能出门, 出门的数量要少, 而且要尽量用送货上门和送餐上门的服务。

也就是说, 外卖店可以正常营业。 这意味着公民可以到外卖店去取外卖餐, 而且外卖送餐可以送到居民的家。

  • 在取外卖的时候, 建议商家要让顾客保持2米的距离。
  • 没有卖酒许可/场所执照的外卖店, 不能卖酒给顾客。

餐馆堂吃业务停止。但是政府正在修改法规, 让没有送外卖的计划许可的餐馆, 咖啡厅,酒吧等可以开始送外卖。请等进一步通知。


如果送餐, 请考虑实行无接触送餐。具体的方法如下:

  • 告诉顾客送餐的人会在到达门口时打电话。
  • 送餐的人把餐放在指定的地点
  • 送餐的人站到离餐5米外等候
  • 等顾客把餐取走, 送餐的人再离开。


  • 我们建议您要戴口罩, 戴手套, 不接触现金。如果怕顾客误会, 可以拿一个牌子写:我们没有新冠病毒, 但是为了您和其他顾客的安全, 我戴上口罩, 请理解。
  • 把这个牌子举给顾客看。这个牌子也可以放到外卖店门口。工作人员戴上口罩。


I do not have symptoms of covic-19, but I wear a mark to keep you and others safe. Please understand. Take care and thank you. 


  • 牛奶和面包一般用的比较快, 加上这些配送, 可能让顾客的顾客想点餐。

华服商务公司 2020年3月24日。


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