餐馆老板钟先生问: 我看到你们写的关于煤气电 口头合同的文章, 什么是口头合同? 我怎么知道我在接听的哪通电话是要小心,不要被签走的口头合同呢?

答: 口头合同是以您接到一个用英语讲的电话而产生的。 具体来说, 对方会用英语在电话上问您很多问题, 让您说很多Yes. 或把您的名字和银行账号在电话上告诉他等。 典型问题比如,

  • Is your business name xxxxx?
  • Is your business address xxxx?
  • Are you authorised to agree a contract on behalf of the business?
  • What is your name or is your name xxxxxx?
  • Do you know the price we agreed is xxxx for the length of …….
  • Is your bank account xxxx or what is your bank account?

值得提醒的是, 我们中国人太喜欢说Yes, 尤其是听不懂的时候,更说Yes. 您这一说Yes, 录音合同就生效了。 记住:Yes是可以的意思。 听不懂时不要说Yes!

您的员工如果接了电话说他有权代表生意签煤气电合同, 这样的电话录音也会变成有效的录音合同, 电话一放下就生效, 很难推翻因为有的口头合同可能是5年的!

还有,电话结束后您会收到一封信, 上边会写到煤气电的价钱, 这封信是合同生效后的确认信, 不是等您商量好的确认信。 见下面一个电话录音的对话,不要被中介所说的I will send a  letter to confirm蒙骗。

  • 儿子: We are busy now. Just send out letter.
  • 中介: I will go though this point again with you.
  • 儿子:I can not understand. Just send a letter to us Sir. It is okay.
  • 中介:Before I can send you a letter, I have to confirm everything over the phone because the call acts as a contract. The paperwork will be sent out to you in due cause as a reference. I have to clearly make you say that Okay? I have to go back to the point. You are making a verbal offer of the contract with Npower which will become legally binding.
  • 儿子: YeYe Ye, No problem. But….
  • 中介:One moment(抢话)….This recording acts as a contract no signature requires. No cooling period off applies. Is it Okay, Mr Chan? Is it Okay?
  • 儿子:Sorry Just send a letter to us.
  • 中介: Is it Okay. Is it okay? Are you happy for me to send out an application to Npower to be processed as an offer?
  • 儿子: Yes, no problem Yes…
  • 中介:Thank you for your time but just to clarity the call acts as a recording of the contract so you do not need to send anything back to us. The paperwork we sent out acts as reference. You are happy for me to send out a Npower application. Is it right?
  • 儿子:Just send a letter to us. Is it okay and…?
  • 中介:The letter serves as a reference Sir. The call recording acts as a contract.
  • 儿子: Yeye ye.
  • 中介:Is it okay? Fantastic!
  • 员工: But…

如果您不小心接了电话, 听不懂, 就非常可能给在短短10分钟内背上6000-9000英镑的债务, 这不是儿戏。 如果您 的员工能说几句英语, 千万不要随意让他帮您 接电话。 下次再有人打来, 您 只可要学说2句。”No verbal contract. Please write to us”.然后放下电话。

您接到任何可疑电话, 都欢迎您打我们公司02089878988, 我们会帮您核实是谁打来的电话。


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