疫情: 英格兰地区2020年12月2日之后餐饮的营业规定查您的店铺在哪个级别


·       在2020年12月2日之后,英格兰地区将结束全面疫情限制,开始实行3个级别管制,每个地区级别将在11月26日后公布, 来控制疫情传播。

·       在2020年12月22日到28日,允许英格兰地区按照不超过3个家庭在这7天内见面。在这7天之内不允许见第4个家庭的人,英文叫做Bubble. 苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰也有同样的时间表。具体细节请留意各地官方确认。




Tier 1

·       餐馆堂吃业务要在晚上10点关门到次日凌晨5点之前不许营业。晚10点之后送餐取餐可以继续进行。

Certain businesses selling food or drink on their premises are required to close between 10pm and 5am. Businesses and venues selling food for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through.

·     最后一个订单可以在晚上10点, 客人要在11点之前吃完和喝完。  

Under the new rules, last orders will be called at 10pm, with people allowed to finish their food and drinks by 11pm.

二级Tier 2

·       餐馆堂吃业务要在晚上11点关门到次日凌晨5点之前不许营业。晚11点之后送餐取餐可以继续进行。

Certain businesses selling food or drink on their premises are required to close between 11pm and 5am. Businesses and venues selling food for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 11pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through.

·     酒只有在订餐而且订餐数量比较大的时候才能在餐馆酒吧定。  

Alcohol can only be served in hospitality settings as part of a substantial meal .

·      餐馆和只有卖饭菜的酒吧允许营业, 而且堂吃的顾客必须是在一起居住的一家人。 

Only pubs and restaurants that serve substantial food are allowed to remain open. Even then, only people of the same household can visit and it will be table service only.

三级Tier 3

·       餐馆和酒吧和外卖只能做外卖生意。

Pubs,bars and restaurants will only be able to offer takeaway and delivery services.


在疫情期间,我们希望您能在2020年12月份保护好自己和家人,员工和顾客。疫苗已经有消息, 会在明年政府会初陆续开始打, 所以请大家在最后的几个月, 格外提高警惕, 不得病,渡过这个难关。也希望您的生意在12月份能有您想要的收获, 安全加油!



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